
Case submitted by: NTP Milieu
Country: The Netherlands
Built-up site?: Yes
Soil type: Mainly moderately fine sand, moderate to course gravel
Follow-up required?: No
Treated contamination: Pentachlorophenol (PCP’s)
Medium contamination: Groundwater
Dimension contamination: 1,875 [m3]
Remediation goal:
a) the remediation goal is to remediate the soil and groundwater at least to the level that makes it suitable for the fundtion that the soil will have after remediation; risks for human health, flora and fauna as a result of contact with the contaminant should be minimized as much as possible. b) risk of propagation of the contaminant should be minimized as much as possible. c) the need to take measures and limitations for use of the soil and groundwater should be minimized as much as possible.
Remediation goal achieved?: Yes
Initial and final concentration or load removal:
Pentachlorophenol initial concentration: 740 µg/l end concentration 2,9 µg/l
Total load start: 4,4 [kg] total load end: 0,025 [kg]
Active remediation phase: 26 January 2011 to 1 April 2011
Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is ungoing.
Expected period: 2011 to 2016
Added reports:
beschikking sp_horst.pdf
evaluatieverslag horst_deel 1.pdf
evaluatieverslag horst_deel 2.pdf
evaluatieverslag horst_deel 3.pdf
referentieproject horst pcp.pdf

In-situ remediation technique:

Case detailed information

General information
Project name: ISCO of pentachlorophenol contamination (Horst)*** Case submitted by: NTP Milieu Contact: Mr G.B.J. Borggreve Address: Postbus 6280, 7503 GG Enschede, The Netherlands Telephone number: +31 53 4614905 Email-address:
Country: The Netherlands City/region/county: Americaanseweg Horst (future) use of location: Residential area Built-up location during the active remediation phase?: Yes
In situ saneringstechniek:
Explanation technique: Also other remediation techniques applied?: No After care needed?: No Rationale for the chosen technique: The results of a feasability study have been used to determine what end resut could be reached and which oxidizing agents should be used. ISCO will enable effective and fast remediation of PCP.
Treated contaminant(s): Pentachlorophenol (PCP’s) Contaminant phase: Groundwater Size contamination: 1,875 [m3] Depth contamination: 7 m below surface level
Soil type: Mainly moderately fine sand, moderate to course gravel Saturated/unsaturated zone?: Saturated zone Permeability: > 0,1 m/day, based on field data Flow velocity or gradient groundwater:
Result, duration, expense
Remediation goal: a) the remediation goal is to remediate the soil and groundwater at least to the level that makes it suitable for the fundtion that the soil will have after remediation; risks for human health, flora and fauna as a result of contact with the contaminant should be minimized as much as possible. b) risk of propagation of the contaminant should be minimized as much as possible. c) the need to take measures and limitations for use of the soil and groundwater should be minimized as much as possible. Remediation goal achieved?: Yes Initial and final concentration and load removal: Pentachlorophenol initial concentration: 740 µg/l end concentration 2,9 µg/l Total load start: 4,4 [kg] total load end: 0,025 [kg] Active remediation phase: 26 January 2011 to 1 April 2011 Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is ungoing. Expected period: 2011 to 2016 Total costs passive/after care phase: Total costs active phase: € 109,825
Problem owner: Jansen de Jong BV. Aelmans Eco BV is contact person for the contractor, on behalf of the problem owner. Contractor: NTP Milieu Enschede Remediation plan: Econsultancy Remediation research: Econsultancy Competent authority: Provincie Limburg Contact information stake holders:
Additional information
Lessons learned: Remarks: Pentachlorophenol comounds can be removed fast by ISCO with Fentons reagens. Progress of the remediation was accoring to the planning
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