Case submitted by: NTP Milieu
Country: The Netherlands
Built-up site?: Yes
Soil type: Mainly sand
Follow-up required?: No
Treated contamination: Mineral oil, BTEX, naphtalene
Medium contamination: Soil, NAPL and groundwater
Dimension contamination: Soil 450 m3; groundwater 9.000 m3
Remediation goal: Stable end situation
Remediation goal achieved?: Not yet. After completion of the remediation, concentration above the remediation target have been measured locally. Therefore the remediation activity was extended.
Initial and final concentration or load removal:
Mineral oil initial concentration: 2.200 end concentration: < 50 : µg/l
Benzene initial concentration: 4.300 end concentration: < 0,2 : µg/l
Toluene initial concentration: 21.000 end concentration: 0,5 : µg/l
Xylenes initial concentration: 9.500 end concentration: 3,9 : µg/l
Initial total load of oil-containing products in soil and groundwater is estimated to be 1,800 kg.
Active remediation phase: 25 November 2009 to medio 2012
Passive remediation phase:
Added reports:
Petrol station: combined techniques for BTEXN and oil (Putten)***
In-situ remediation technique: (Enhanced) natural attenuation, aerobic, Air stripping, Multi-phase extraction, Pump & treat, Soil vapor extraction
General information
Project name: Petrol station: combined techniques for BTEXN and oil (Putten)***
Case submitted by: NTP Milieu
Contact: Mr M. Assink
Address: Postbus 6280, 7503 GG Enschede, the Netherlands
Telephone number: +31 53 4614905
Country: The Netherlands
City/region/county: Oude Rijksweg, Putten
(future) use of location: Industry
Built-up location during the active remediation phase?: Yes
In situ saneringstechniek: (Enhanced) natural attenuation, aerobic, Air stripping, Multi-phase extraction, Pump & treat, Soil vapor extraction
Explanation technique:
Also other remediation techniques applied?: No
After care needed?: No
Rationale for the chosen technique: The first phase included volatilization followed by enhanced aerobic degradation (bioremediation) of volatile hydrocarbons, mineral oil, benzene, xylenes and naphthalene
Explanation technique:
Also other remediation techniques applied?: No
After care needed?: No
Rationale for the chosen technique: The first phase included volatilization followed by enhanced aerobic degradation (bioremediation) of volatile hydrocarbons, mineral oil, benzene, xylenes and naphthaleneTreated contaminant(s): Mineral oil, BTEX, naphtalene
Contaminant phase: Soil, NAPL and groundwater
Size contamination: Soil 450 m3; groundwater 9.000 m3
Depth contamination: 20 m below surface level
Soil type: Mainly sand
Saturated/unsaturated zone?: Saturated and unsaturated zone
Flow velocity or gradient groundwater: 1.4 m/day
Result, duration, expense
Remediation goal: Stable end situation
Remediation goal achieved?: Not yet. After completion of the remediation, concentration above the remediation target have been measured locally. Therefore the remediation activity was extended.
Initial and final concentration and load removal:
Mineral oil initial concentration: 2.200 end concentration: < 50 : µg/l
Benzene initial concentration: 4.300 end concentration: < 0,2 : µg/l
Toluene initial concentration: 21.000 end concentration: 0,5 : µg/l
Xylenes initial concentration: 9.500 end concentration: 3,9 : µg/l
Initial total load of oil-containing products in soil and groundwater is estimated to be 1,800 kg.
Active remediation phase: 25 November 2009 to medio 2012
Passive remediation phase:
Total costs passive/after care phase:
Total costs active phase: € 195.000,00-
Problem owner: Delek Nederland BV. Geofox Lexmond provides advise to the problem owner; they supported the problem owner during the tender procedure and supervise the remediation and review reports.
Contractor: NTP Milieu Enschede
Remediation plan: NTP Milieu Enschede
Remediation research:
Competent authority: Provincie Gelderland
Contact information stake holders:
Additional information
Lessons learned:
Related techniques and HIP-pilots
Related techniques: (Enhanced) natural attenuation, aerobic, Air stripping, Multi-phase extraction, Pump & treat, Soil vapor extraction
Related HIP-pilots: HIP-pilot ‘Acoustic remediation’