Case submitted by: Mateboer Milieutechniek B.V.
Country: The Netherlands
Built-up site?: Yes
Soil type: Layered soil; clay/peat/sand
Follow-up required?: Yes, monitoring
Treated contamination: Mineral oil
Volatile aromats, inclusiding benzene (BTEX)
Medium contamination: Soil/pure product and groundwater
Dimension contamination: 1000 m3
Remediation goal:
final concentration
BTEXN concentration: T-value
mineral oil concentration: T-value
Load removal: 93 %
Remediation goal achieved?: No, there is a stable end situation achieved with a minor contamination.
Initial and final concentration or load removal:
Active remediation phase: 17/12/01 until 14/07/04
Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is not yet completed. Expected realization period: 14/07/04 until 18/12/09
Added reports:
Kampen (IJsseldijk): Mineral oil, BTEX, naphthalene**
In-situ remediation technique: (Enhanced) natural attenuation, aerobic, Air stripping, Multi-phase extraction, Pump & treat, Soil vapor extraction, Surfactant flushing
General information
Project name: Kampen (IJsseldijk): Mineral oil, BTEX, naphthalene**
Case submitted by: Mateboer Milieutechniek B.V.
Contact: M.J. Zwietink
Address: Postbus 10174 1301AD
Telephone number: +31 (0)36-530 24 10
Country: The Netherlands
City/region/county: Kampen
(future) use of location: Industrial
Built-up location during the active remediation phase?: Yes
In situ saneringstechniek: (Enhanced) natural attenuation, aerobic, Air stripping, Multi-phase extraction, Pump & treat, Soil vapor extraction, Surfactant flushing
Explanation technique:
Also other remediation techniques applied?: Yes, prior to this project: excavation and groundwater extraction.
After care needed?: Yes, monitoring
Rationale for the chosen technique: Type of contamination, soil profile and presence of building.
Treated contaminant(s): Mineral oil
Volatile aromats, inclusiding benzene (BTEX)
Contaminant phase: Soil/pure product and groundwater
Size contamination: 1000 m3
Depth contamination: 6.5 m below surface
Soil type: Layered soil; clay/peat/sand
Saturated/unsaturated zone?: Saturated zone
Permeability: 0,01-0,1 m/day, based on soil survey report.
Flow velocity or gradient groundwater: 2000 kD m2/day
Result, duration, expense
Remediation goal:
final concentration
BTEXN concentration: T-value
mineral oil concentration: T-value
Load removal: 93 %
Remediation goal achieved?: No, there is a stable end situation achieved with a minor contamination.
Initial and final concentration and load removal:
Active remediation phase: 17/12/01 until 14/07/04
Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is not yet completed. Expected realization period: 14/07/04 until 18/12/09
Total costs passive/after care phase:
Total costs active phase:
Problem owner:
Contractor: Mateboer Milieutechniek B.V.
Remediation plan: Mateboer Milieutechniek B.V.
Remediation research: Mateboer Milieutechniek B.V.
Competent authority: Provincie Overijssel
Contact information stake holders: Dhr. M.J. Zwietink (PL) +31 (0)36-530 24 10
Additional information
Lessons learned: The use of surfactant effects the remediation result in a positive way. However, when extracting the groundwater, the surfactant has a negative effect on the biology in the treatment facility, which can last long.
Related techniques and HIP-pilots
Related techniques: (Enhanced) natural attenuation, aerobic, Air stripping, Multi-phase extraction, Pump & treat, Soil vapor extraction, Surfactant flushing
Related HIP-pilots: HIP-pilot ‘Acoustic remediation’