Case submitted by: NTP Milieu
Country: The Netherlands
Built-up site?: Yes
Soil type: Mainly sand and layered soil; clay/peat
Follow-up required?: Nee
Treated contamination: Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds (CVOC)
Medium contamination: Groundwater
Dimension contamination: 245.000 m3
Remediation goal:
final concentration
PCE concentration 20 µg/l
TCE concentration: 262 µg/l
Cis concentration: 10 µg/l
VC concentration: 2,5 µg/l
Load removal percentage: > 95%
Remediation goal achieved?: Yes, for 2 layers in the source area.
No, remediation of the plume has not yet completed.
Initial and final concentration or load removal:
VC initial concentration: 5.700 µg/l; final concentration: 2,5 µg/l
Active remediation phase: June 2006 until July 2011
Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is not yet started.
Added reports:
Den Haag (W. Royaardsplein): CVOC ***
In-situ remediation technique: (Enhanced) natural attenuation, anaerobic, Pump & treat
General information
Project name: Den Haag (W. Royaardsplein): CVOC ***
Case submitted by: NTP Milieu
Contact: De heer G.B.J. Borggreve
Address: Postbus 6280
7503 GG Enschede
Telephone number: +31 (0)53-4614905
Country: The Netherlands
City/region/county: Willem Royaardsplein te Den Haag, provincie Zuid Holland
(future) use of location: Residential
Built-up location during the active remediation phase?: Yes
In situ saneringstechniek: (Enhanced) natural attenuation, anaerobic, Pump & treat
Explanation technique: TCE-concept applied to the upper soil; cultivation of the dehalococcoides ethenogenes.
Also other remediation techniques applied?: No
After care needed?: Nee
Rationale for the chosen technique: Stimulation of anaërobe demolition is the best option for the remediation of CVOC in the groundwater, it's the most logical decontaminationvariable in a cultivated environment.
Treated contaminant(s): Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds (CVOC)
Contaminant phase: Groundwater
Size contamination: 245.000 m3
Depth contamination: 20 m below surface
Soil type: Mainly sand and layered soil; clay/peat
Saturated/unsaturated zone?: Saturated zone
Permeability: > 0,1 m/day
Flow velocity or gradient groundwater: 1,4 m/km
17 m/year
Result, duration, expense
Remediation goal:
final concentration
PCE concentration 20 µg/l
TCE concentration: 262 µg/l
Cis concentration: 10 µg/l
VC concentration: 2,5 µg/l
Load removal percentage: > 95%
Remediation goal achieved?: Yes, for 2 layers in the source area.
No, remediation of the plume has not yet completed.
Initial and final concentration and load removal:
VC initial concentration: 5.700 µg/l; final concentration: 2,5 µg/l
Active remediation phase: June 2006 until July 2011
Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is not yet started.
Total costs passive/after care phase:
Total costs active phase: € 324.000 ,-
Problem owner: Gemeente Den Haag
Contractor: NTP Milieu Enschede
Remediation plan: NTP Milieu Enschede
Remediation research: Royal Haskoning / Witteveen en Bos
Competent authority: Gemeente Den Haag
Contact information stake holders: De heer G. Borggreve
NTP Milieu
Additional information
Lessons learned: Diffusion of substrate and added bacteria, in order to stimulate degradation, to the deeper groundwater is hampered by a poorly permeable layer at a depth of 8-9 m-mv. As a result, the source area above this layer was rehabilitated within two years after the start; in the layer of 9-12 m-mv progress is stagnated. Remediation of the plume zone is stagnating because below the average lowest groundwater level measured no groundwater may longer be extracted, which in practice often appears to occur. Due to this limitation, this extraction system is periodically out of order and less water can be extracted and re-infiltrated.
Related techniques and HIP-pilots
Related techniques: (Enhanced) natural attenuation, anaerobic, Pump & treat
Related HIP-pilots: HIP-pilot Assessing stable end situation CVOC 1, HIP-pilot Assessing stable end situation CVOC 2, HIP-pilot Direct push shock load protamylasse – radius of influence and effect substrate, HIP-pilot Field comparison 2 substrates for anaerobic degradation CVOC, HIP-pilot Specific monitoring biological degradation