
Case submitted by: NTP Milieu
Country: The Netherlands
Built-up site?: Yes
Soil type: Layered soil; clay/peat/sand
Follow-up required?: Yes, namely indicate a stable final situation
Treated contamination: Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds (CVOC)
Medium contamination: Groundwater
Dimension contamination: 110.000 [m3] > T-value
Remediation goal:
Stable final situation;to obtain final concentration:
contamination 1:PCE concentration: 20 µg/l
contamination 2:TCE concentration: 262 µg/l
contamination 3:Cis concentration: 10 µg/l
contamination 4:VC concentration: 2,5 µg/l
Load removal percentage: > 95%
Remediation goal achieved?: No, phase 2 until 6 are still in progress.
Initial and final concentration or load removal:
contamination 1:PCE initial concentration: 11.000 µg/l
contamination 2:TCE initial concentration: 54 µg/l
Contamination 3:Cis initial concentration: 690 µg/l
Contamination 4:VC initial concentration: 0,1 µg/l
Active remediation phase: March 2009 until (expeced) June 2010. The remediation of the source and phase 1 are completed (now in the passive phase)
Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is not yet completed.
Added reports:

Case detailed information

General information
Project name: Den Haag (Boreelstraat e.o.): CVOC *** Case submitted by: NTP Milieu Contact: De heer G.B.J. Borggreve Address: Postbus 6280, 7503 GG Enschede Telephone number: +31 (0)53 4614905 Email-address:
Country: The Netherlands City/region/county: Boreelstraat te Den Haag, provincie Zuid Holland (future) use of location: Living Built-up location during the active remediation phase?: Yes
Explanation technique: TCE concept applied to above ground culture of Dehalococcoides ethenogenes. Because the length of the plume it is divided in 6 stages. Also other remediation techniques applied?: Yes, namely: in the (restricted residu-) source bio-augmentation is applyed. After care needed?: Yes, namely indicate a stable final situation Rationale for the chosen technique: Stimulated anaerobic degradation is the best option for the degradation of CVOC in groundwater in the built-up environment.
Treated contaminant(s): Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds (CVOC) Contaminant phase: Groundwater Size contamination: 110.000 [m3] > T-value Depth contamination: 6-11 en 12-16 m below surface
Soil type: Layered soil; clay/peat/sand Saturated/unsaturated zone?: Saturated zone Permeability: > 0,1 m/day, based on field data Flow velocity or gradient groundwater: 1,2 m/km; 17m/year
Result, duration, expense
Remediation goal: Stable final situation;to obtain final concentration: contamination 1:PCE concentration: 20 µg/l contamination 2:TCE concentration: 262 µg/l contamination 3:Cis concentration: 10 µg/l contamination 4:VC concentration: 2,5 µg/l Load removal percentage: > 95% Remediation goal achieved?: No, phase 2 until 6 are still in progress. Initial and final concentration and load removal: contamination 1:PCE initial concentration: 11.000 µg/l contamination 2:TCE initial concentration: 54 µg/l Contamination 3:Cis initial concentration: 690 µg/l Contamination 4:VC initial concentration: 0,1 µg/l Active remediation phase: March 2009 until (expeced) June 2010. The remediation of the source and phase 1 are completed (now in the passive phase) Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is not yet completed. Total costs passive/after care phase: Total costs active phase: € 713.000 ,
Problem owner: Gemeente Den Haag Contractor: NTP Milieu Enschede Remediation plan: Bioclear Remediation research: Bioclear Competent authority: Gemeente Den Haag Contact information stake holders: De heer G. Borggreve NTP Milieu
Additional information
Lessons learned: The application of the carbon source went well just as the distribution in the field. The extracted water contained a low concentration of oxygen which has been made completely anaerobic with the use of a full dose-bisulphate. Remarks: The project is progressing well after the substrate is inserted. The results of the groundwater monitoring have to be analyzed.
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