Case submitted by: Mateboer Milieutechniek B.V.
Country: The Netherlands
Built-up site?: Yes
Soil type: Mainly sand
Follow-up required?: monitoring
Treated contamination: Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds (CVOC)
Mineral oil
Volatile aromats, including benzene (BTEX)
Medium contamination: Groundwater
88150 m3
Remediation goal:
Final concentratie
PCE concentration: 20 µg/l
Mineral Oil concentration: 600 µg/l
BTEX concentration: 15 µg/l
Load removal 96 %
Remediation goal achieved?: Active remediation has changed
Initial and final concentration or load removal:
PCE Total initial load: 98 kg; total final load: 3 kg
Mineral Oil total initial load 1172 kg; total final load: 0 kg
BTEX total initial load: 98 kg; total final load: 0 kg
Active remediation phase: 10/10/00 until 01/02/04
Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is not yet completed. Expected realization period: 01/02/04 until 01/02/11
Bilthoven Rembrandtlaan: CVOC, BTEX en mineral oil**
In-situ remediation technique: In situ chemical Oxidation (ISCO)
General information
Project name: Bilthoven Rembrandtlaan: CVOC, BTEX en mineral oil**
Case submitted by: Mateboer Milieutechniek B.V.
Contact: M.J. Zwietink
Address: Postbus 10174
Telephone number: +31 (0)36-512 664 22
Country: The Netherlands
City/region/county: Bilthoven
(future) use of location: Residential
Built-up location during the active remediation phase?: Yes
In situ saneringstechniek: In situ chemical Oxidation (ISCO)
Explanation technique: C-Sparge™ Ozon
Also other remediation techniques applied?: Soil vapor extraction & groundwater extraction
After care needed?: monitoring
Rationale for the chosen technique: Type of polution, soil type, building present.
Treated contaminant(s): Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds (CVOC)
Mineral oil
Volatile aromats, including benzene (BTEX)
Contaminant phase: Groundwater
Size contamination: 88150 m3
Depth contamination: 25 m below surface
Soil type: Mainly sand
Saturated/unsaturated zone?: Saturated zone
Permeability: > 0,1 m/day
Flow velocity or gradient groundwater: 2500 m2/day
Result, duration, expense
Remediation goal:
Final concentratie
PCE concentration: 20 µg/l
Mineral Oil concentration: 600 µg/l
BTEX concentration: 15 µg/l
Load removal 96 %
Remediation goal achieved?: Active remediation has changed
Initial and final concentration and load removal:
PCE Total initial load: 98 kg; total final load: 3 kg
Mineral Oil total initial load 1172 kg; total final load: 0 kg
BTEX total initial load: 98 kg; total final load: 0 kg
Active remediation phase: 10/10/00 until 01/02/04
Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is not yet completed. Expected realization period: 01/02/04 until 01/02/11
Total costs passive/after care phase:
Total costs active phase:
Problem owner:
Contractor: Mateboer Milieutechniek
Remediation plan: Tauw B.V.
Remediation research: Tauw B.V.
Competent authority: Provincie Utrecht
Contact information stake holders: Dhr. R. de Wit: +31 (0)36-5302410
Additional information
Lessons learned:
Related techniques and HIP-pilots
Related techniques: In situ chemical Oxidation (ISCO)
Related HIP-pilots: HIP-pilot Optimizing ISCO for CVOC