Case submitted by: ARCADIS Nederland BV
Country: The Netherlands
Built-up site?: Yes
Soil type: Mainly sand
Follow-up required?: Yes: After the remediation of the source area, low concentrations of contaminant remain. The concentration is being monitored.
Treated contamination: Tetrahydrofuran (THF)
Medium contamination: Grondwater
Dimension contamination: 16.000 [m3]
Remediation goal: Remove 90 % of the contaminant load.
Remediation goal achieved?: Yes
Initial and final concentration or load removal: Contaminant:THF
Initial concentration: 1.410.000 µg/l endconcentration: 2.600 µg/l
Initial total load: 670[kg] end total load : 2 [kg]
Active remediation phase: 13/04/2009 tot 31/12/2010 (in several phases)
Passive remediation phase:
In-situ remediation technique: (Enhanced) natural attenuation, aerobic, In situ chemical Oxidation (ISCO)
Case detailed information
General information
Project name: ISCO and bioremediation of THF (Dordrecht)*
Case submitted by: ARCADIS Nederland BV
Contact: Ms Tessa Pancras
Address: Postbus 673, 7300 AR Apeldoorn, the Netherlands
Telephone number: +31555815999
Country: The Netherlands
City/region/county: Dordrecht, Zuid-Holland
(future) use of location: Industry
Built-up location during the active remediation phase?: Yes
In situ saneringstechniek: (Enhanced) natural attenuation, aerobic, In situ chemical Oxidation (ISCO)
Explanation technique:
Also other remediation techniques applied?: Yes: pilot remediation with enhanced biological degradation (bioremediation)
After care needed?: Yes: After the remediation of the source area, low concentrations of contaminant remain. The concentration is being monitored.
Rationale for the chosen technique: Groundwater at the site of a company that produces chemical products is contaminated with tetrahydrofuran (THF). A better and faster alternative for longlasting punp and treat needed to be found. Based on literature, knowledge of the chemical company and results of laboratory tests, a technology based on the Fenton’s reaction has been developed. The products of this reaction are, which are harmless products. The pilot remediation demonstrated that THF can be degraded successfully with this method. The full scale remediation of the source area has been completed in 2010.
Treated contaminant(s): Tetrahydrofuran (THF)
Contaminant phase: Grondwater
Size contamination: 16.000 [m3]
Depth contamination: 5m below surface level
Soil type: Mainly sand
Saturated/unsaturated zone?: Saturated zone
Permeability: > 0,1 m/day, based on field data
Flow velocity or gradient groundwater: 0,003 m/m
Result, duration, expense
Remediation goal: Remove 90 % of the contaminant load.
Remediation goal achieved?: Yes
Initial and final concentration and load removal: Contaminant:THF
Initial concentration: 1.410.000 µg/l endconcentration: 2.600 µg/l
Initial total load: 670[kg] end total load : 2 [kg]
Active remediation phase: 13/04/2009 tot 31/12/2010 (in several phases)
Passive remediation phase:
Total costs passive/after care phase:
Total costs active phase: € 410.000,-
Problem owner: Industrial company
Contractor: ARCADIS Nederland BV / In-Situ Technieken
Remediation plan: ARCADIS Nederland BV / In-Situ Technieken
Remediation research:
Competent authority: Provincie Zuid Holland
Contact information stake holders:
Additional information
Lessons learned: To develop a successful method based on the characteristics of the contaminant, knowledge of the problem owner and the possibilities at the location. A step by step approach, in which measurements results are being used for the next step result in a good remediation approach.
Related techniques and HIP-pilots
Related techniques: (Enhanced) natural attenuation, aerobic, In situ chemical Oxidation (ISCO)
Related HIP-pilots: HIP-pilot Optimizing ISCO for CVOC