
Case submitted by: HMVT
Country: The Netherlands
Built-up site?: No
Soil type: Mainly sand
Follow-up required?: Yes, monitoring
Treated contamination:
Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds (CVOC)
Mineral oil
Volatile aromats, including benzene (BTEX)
Locally asbestos and heavy metals in the upper soil (excavated now)
Medium contamination: Soil/pure product and groundwater
Dimension contamination: 33000 [m3]
Remediation goal:
Stable final situation
Load removal percentage: 95 %
Remediation goal achieved?: Yes, stable end situation is proved by monitoring.
Initial and final concentration or load removal:
Source 1 CVOC initial concentration: 3000000 ug/l; final concentration: 15000 ug/l
total initial load: 1000 kg; total final load: <10 kg Source 2 CVOC
initial concentration: 300000 ug/l; final concentration: 1500 ug/l
total initial load: 500[kg]; total final load: <1 [kg]
Source 1 BTEX initial concentration: 75000 ug/l; final concentration: 70 ug/l
Active remediation phase: 01/09/2007 until 29/04/2009
Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is not yet completed. expectated realization periode 29 /04/2009 until 29 /04/2014

Case detailed information

General information
Project name: Doetinchem (Saronix): CVOC, mineral oil and BTEX*** Case submitted by: HMVT Contact: Ted Vendrig Address: Postbus 174 Telephone number: +31 (0)0318-624624 Email-address:
Country: The Netherlands City/region/county: Doetinchem / Gelderland (future) use of location: Residence Built-up location during the active remediation phase?: No
Explanation technique: Main load removal is achieved by ISCO (Fentons Reagens) in combination with soil vapor extraction. The remaining CVOC contamination has been remediated by enhanced anaerobc biological degrdadation (more info: Also other remediation techniques applied?: Yes, excavation of hot spots until 3 m below surface After care needed?: Yes, monitoring Rationale for the chosen technique: The location needed to become rehabilitated for housing. Applied approache: - Excavation to 3 m-mv to remove human risk and land use restrictions (for installation of sewers, construction, etc.). Excavation possible up to 3 m-mv when using a drainage and purification system of 100 m3 / h. Deeper excavation was not possible to groundwater restrictions. - Chemical oxidation > 3 m-mv; rapidly remove bulk contamination (90% of load). This enables quick start of building houses. ISCO is particularly suitable for removal of the high load in the source area. For the last remains of the contamination, the technique is relatively expensive. - Anaerobic biology to degradate CVOC-contamination: relatively cheap.
Treated contaminant(s): Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds (CVOC) Mineral oil Volatile aromats, including benzene (BTEX) Locally asbestos and heavy metals in the upper soil (excavated now) Contaminant phase: Soil/pure product and groundwater Size contamination: 33000 [m3] Depth contamination: 10 m below surface
Soil type: Mainly sand Saturated/unsaturated zone?: Saturated zone and unsaturated zone Permeability: > 0,1 m/day Flow velocity or gradient groundwater: 58 m/year
Result, duration, expense
Remediation goal: Stable final situation Load removal percentage: 95 % Remediation goal achieved?: Yes, stable end situation is proved by monitoring. Initial and final concentration and load removal: Source 1 CVOC initial concentration: 3000000 ug/l; final concentration: 15000 ug/l total initial load: 1000 kg; total final load: <10 kg Source 2 CVOC initial concentration: 300000 ug/l; final concentration: 1500 ug/l total initial load: 500[kg]; total final load: <1 [kg] Source 1 BTEX initial concentration: 75000 ug/l; final concentration: 70 ug/l Active remediation phase: 01/09/2007 until 29/04/2009 Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is not yet completed. expectated realization periode 29 /04/2009 until 29 /04/2014 Total costs passive/after care phase: € 575.000 Total costs active phase: € 650.000
Problem owner: Site woondiensten en Goldewijk projectontwikkeling Contractor: HMVT Remediation plan: HMVT/Ecosultancy Remediation research: HMVT/Ecosultancy Competent authority: Provincie Gelderland Contact information stake holders:
Additional information
Lessons learned: Remarks:
Related techniques and HIP-pilots