
Case submitted by: ARCADIS Nederland BV
Country: The Netherlands
Built-up site?: Yes
Soil type: Mainly sand
Follow-up required?: Yes, monitoring.
Treated contamination: Mineral oil, BTEX
Medium contamination: Soil/NAPL and groundwater
Dimension contamination: 2300 [m3]
Remediation goal: Stable endsituation
Remediation goal achieved?: Yes
Initial and final concentration or load removal:
Active remediation phase: 01 October 2007 to 01 June 2008
Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is ungoing; expected period : 01/ 06/2008 to 01 /06/2013

Case detailed information

General information
Project name: Military petrol station: ISCO for mineral oil and BTEX* Case submitted by: ARCADIS Nederland BV Contact: Dhr. Jurgen van der Wal Address: Postbus 673, 7300 AR Apeldoorn, The Netherlands Telephone number: +31 55 58159990 Email-address: jurgen
Country: The Netherlands City/region/county: Schaarsbergen, Gelderland (future) use of location: Military site Built-up location during the active remediation phase?: Yes
Explanation technique: ISCO with Fenton's reagens Also other remediation techniques applied?: ISCO in combination with soil vapor extraction and multi-phae extraction. After care needed?: Yes, monitoring. Rationale for the chosen technique: At the location of a former high pressure pumping station, soil and groundwater were contaminated with mineral oil and BTEXN. The surface are of the source area was approximately 1,000 m2, volume of the source zone was about 2,300 m3, resukting in a plume of approximately 400 meters long. Mineral oil was posing a threat to a groundwater extration area. Therefore remediation to a level that prevents this threat was required.
Treated contaminant(s): Mineral oil, BTEX Contaminant phase: Soil/NAPL and groundwater Size contamination: 2300 [m3] Depth contamination: 15-18 [m –mv]
Soil type: Mainly sand Saturated/unsaturated zone?: Saturated and unsaturated zone Permeability: Flow velocity or gradient groundwater: 30 m/y
Result, duration, expense
Remediation goal: Stable endsituation Remediation goal achieved?: Yes Initial and final concentration and load removal: Active remediation phase: 01 October 2007 to 01 June 2008 Passive remediation phase: The passive phase is ungoing; expected period : 01/ 06/2008 to 01 /06/2013 Total costs passive/after care phase: € 100.000,- Total costs active phase: € 666.000,-
Problem owner: Defensie Contractor: Arcadis Nederland Remediation plan: TTE Remediation research: Competent authority: Municipality Arnhem Contact information stake holders: Joan Ligtenberg (Arcadis) phone: +31 6 50733 6615
Additional information
Lessons learned: Remarks:
Related techniques and HIP-pilots