
Case submitted by: HMVT
Country: The Netherlands
Built-up site?: No
Soil type: Mainly sand and peat
Follow-up required?: No
Treated contamination: Kerosine
Medium contamination: Soil/pure product
Dimension contamination:
Remediation goal: Concentrations below the ecological, humane and spread risk.
Remediation goal achieved?: yes
Initial and final concentration or load removal:
Kerosine initial concentration: unknown; calamity.
Active remediation phase: 01/06/04 until 01/06/06

In-situ remediation technique: ,

Case detailed information

General information
Project name: Beek: Mineral oil Kerosine * Case submitted by: HMVT Contact: Ted Vendrig Address: Postbus 174 6710 BX Ede Telephone number: +31 (0)318 - 624 624 Email-address:
Country: The Netherlands City/region/county: Beek (future) use of location: Parcel next to railway Built-up location during the active remediation phase?: No
In situ saneringstechniek: ,
In situ remediation technique: Air stripping, Soil vapor extraction Explanation technique: Also other remediation techniques applied?: Excavation After care needed?: No Rationale for the chosen technique:
Treated contaminant(s): Kerosine Contaminant phase: Soil/pure product Size contamination: Depth contamination:
Soil type: Mainly sand and peat Saturated/unsaturated zone?: Unsaturated zone Permeability: Flow velocity or gradient groundwater:
Result, duration, expense
Remediation goal: Concentrations below the ecological, humane and spread risk. Remediation goal achieved?: yes Initial and final concentration and load removal: Kerosine initial concentration: unknown; calamity. Active remediation phase: 01/06/04 until 01/06/06 Passive remediation phase: Total costs passive/after care phase: Total costs active phase:
Problem owner: ProRail Contractor: HMVT Remediation plan: HMVT Remediation research: Oranjewoud Competent authority: Provincie Limburg Contact information stake holders:
Additional information
Lessons learned: Remarks:
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